Repeat Button :: Love Echo – Daybreak

love echo

First there was post-rock. Then came post-dubstep. Shit just aint cool unless it’s post its origins yeah? So welcome to the world of Love Echo. They are pretty much post-everything. Which basically means if you’re into post-relaxing in a hammock so deep you may never surface again, you’re going to dig Love Echo.

A duo from Luxemburg, they first made an appearance last year with their single, Love Cats, and they’ve wasted no time in getting an album together. I Promise You Always The Sky, came out yesterday on LebenStrasse Records and as the title suggests it will get you high. Download it from their bandcamp for a measly $10. Stuttering beats drowning in reverb, silky vocals caressing niggling woes away, this album will make you forget you have a job to go to in the morning. Pure bliss.

– Repeat Button

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